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Jillaine W

How many treatments will it take to fix your problem? News from Fletcher Chiropractic in Boise, ID

May 9, 2016 | By | No Comments

How many treatments will it take to fix me?

This is one of the most common questions we get from prospective and current patients- and it’s a good question to ask! Although it seems like a fairly straight-forward question, there are plenty of things that need to be taken into consideration for each patient before an honest answer can be given. Things like age of the patient, nature of the complaint, and if there are any complicating factors involved (radiating pain into the arms or legs, muscle spasm, an unleveled pelvis, any curvature to the back, etc.) need to be considered before making that decision.

One of the most crucial things to understand as a patient is that your doctor is not only treating your pain, but more importantly the underlying cause of your pain. It is important to find out where the problem stems from, and after a thorough history, exam, and x-rays if necessary, a chiropractor will determine if you have spinal subluxation. Subluxations happen when the bones of your back have come so far out of alignment that they actually put pressure on the delicate nerves that exit from your spinal column. When these nerves are irritated, they can cause pain and discomfort, stiffness or soreness, stiffness and loss of range of motion, or possibly symptoms of tingling or pain into the hands or legs.

Because of the many different causes for back pain, and the number of factors which may complicate it, the treatment plan varies widely from patient to patient. If a case if very straight-forward and the patient is expected to respond quickly to care, one or two adjustments may send you on your way. On the other hand, if someone presents with a bit more complexity, the doctor may prescribe multiple adjustments. If that is the case, there is a certain protocol that you can expect from our office.  Our doctors will most likely recommend a treatment plan which will consist of three phases- a pain relief stage, a corrective phase, and finally a strengthening phase.

The relief phase:

When a patient is in very severe or debilitating pain, they oftentimes will need to be adjusted daily until they are out of pain, or until they are able to resume normal daily activities. Each adjustment is very precisely delivered to take pressure off of the nerve that is causing the pain.

The corrective phase:

At this stage, the adjustment is aimed at returning proper alignment to the spine and pelvis.  From a structural stand point, our bodies function at their best when the spine is straight and the pelvis is level. The doctor is trained to find misalignments and deliver a corrective chiropractic adjustment which helps guide the bones of the spine back to their proper position. Because we all have muscle memory, sometimes it takes multiple corrective adjustments to overcome this memory and allow the adjustments to hold.

The strengthening phase:

After you have completed the corrective phase, you will move on to this final stage of care. During this stage, you will continue to receive adjustments, but will be given strengthening exercises to help hold the adjustment in place. By strengthening the muscles around the spine, we are encouraging a new muscle memory which will help hold our spine in alignment.

It is very important that the spine is first aligned and straightened before we start to strengthen. If we begin strengthening too quickly (a.k.a. before we are fully corrected), we are actually encouraging our muscles to hold the spine out of alignment. In addition, if we start to strengthen too soon, we run the risk or re-injuring the spine and having to start over in the care process.

Occasionally patients have the assumption that their condition should get better with just one or two visits. Sometimes this is the case, and trust me, if we were able to make everyone’s dysfunction and misalignments go away with just one single adjustment that would be FANTASTIC. Although some patients do respond very quickly to care- such as those who have received regular chiropractic care in the past- it usually takes more than one adjustment to heal years of repetitive trauma and misalignment. Again, it is a hard question to answer until you have specific information that can only be obtained with a thorough history, exam, and x-rays.

If you have questions about the length of time it would take you or a loved one to both feel and heal better, please set up an appointment with our doctors. They would be more than happy to discuss the specifics of your condition and give you a better idea of a time-line for you to achieve your optimal spinal health.  Mention this article and your consult and exam will be provided for free.

In good health,

Dr. Jillaine

Should you see a chiropractor after a motor vehicle accident? News from Fletcher Chiropractic in Boise, ID

April 5, 2016 | By | No Comments

Should I see a chiropractor after a car accident?

Motor vehicle accidents are an unfortunately common occurrence in our busy world. Although we all attempt to drive safely by wearing our seat belts, driving the speed limit, and obeying traffic rules, collisions still happen. Oftentimes these accidents can seem minor. However, even though there may be no visible damage done to a vehicle or the people inside, the body still has to absorb a tremendous amount of force due to the nature of the impact. In a collision (even at a mere five miles per hour), the neck is abruptly forced forward and back which pulls on the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the neck and back.


The muscles and ligaments in these areas connect directly to the spine, and tend to pull the spine out of alignment during this jolting movement. This type of injury is typically known as “whiplash”.

There are some things that we see commonly with patients who have sustained a whiplash injury. First, they may not feel much pain or discomfort immediately after the injury. This is usually due to delayed muscle soreness; it takes a while for your muscles to feel the stress that has just been placed on them, much like having an intense workout with the soreness setting in after exercise. Second, when the soreness eventually sets in (hours to days later), it is usually felt in the neck, upper and mid back, and sometimes even the low back. If the accident was severe enough, there may be symptoms of headaches, numbness and tingling into the arms or legs, or muscle tightness and loss of range of motion. In some instances, you might not feel any pain or discomfort at all, although this is rare.

After sustaining a whiplash injury, the muscle tenderness and soreness tends to go away on its own with time and rest. One thing that cannot and will not go away on its own is any spinal misalignment that occurred during the accident. The most common misalignment we see with these types of injuries is a straightened neck (cervical spine). The cervical spine is specifically designed with a C-shaped curve in it. This curve is structurally strong and is how we are able to hold the weight of our head all day without pain or discomfort. When the neck is suddenly jarred forward, the bones in our neck (vertebra) tend to slip forward, and no longer align in this C-shape, but instead stack on top of one another in a straight line.

straight neck

Because of the anatomy of the spinal column, when these vertebrae are out of place, it puts pressure on the spinal nerves which exit out from the spine. When a vertebra is so out of place that it puts pressure on the nerve, we call this a subluxation. Nerve impingement leads to pain and tenderness, loss of range of motion, or even possible numbness and tingling into the arms and hands.

When the curvature in the neck is lost, the upper back is forced to accommodate for this loss and thus hold extra weight. This often presents as stiff and sore shoulders, forward head posture, and rounding of the shoulders. So when the neck is misaligned, the upper back will usually follow.


We see this pattern work its way down the spine to the low back as the entire spine tries to compensate for altered mechanics of the neck and upper back. As you can imagine, this would may also lead to pain and discomfort in the low back and hips.

What does all of this mean?

A motor vehicle accident can have numerous effects on the body. The most noticeable side effect of whiplash is stiffness and soreness in the neck and back, but what we have shown is that the problem can be much more than just muscular pain. A neck that has been thrown out of alignment with force will become straightened and lead to a host of structural problems down the road. And although massage therapy is very beneficial to help alleviate some of the tightness associated with this injury, no amount of massage will ever re-align the spine or restore better function. The only way to move the spine toward a more normal position is through chiropractic adjustments.

Your chiropractor will examine your neck and back to find areas of misalignment (subluxation) and provide a corrective adjustment to move remove the subluxation. Moving the vertebra away from the nerve will provide not only pain relief, but provide better structure and function of the spine, allowing you to heal and feel better.

If you or someone you know has recently been in a car accident, or had one in their past, it is important to have them examined by a chiropractor. After all, we only have one spine, and need to make sure we take care of it accordingly. Call to schedule an appointment and mention this post for a consult and exam.

In good health,

Dr. Jillaine

Chiropractic care for children- when should your child be adjusted? News from Fletcher Chiropractic in Boise, ID

March 9, 2016 | By | No Comments

When should your child be getting chiropractic care?

Parents are very well educated in keeping up to date on their children’s health and wellness. Most kids have their teeth checked at the dentist, eyes examined at school, height and weight assessed at well-child examinations, and have pre-participation sports physicals performed yearly. These are all best practices to ensure that your child is growing and developing according to plan, and these regular visits are important to the health and well-being of your child. What is often overlooked, however, is your child’s spinal health, and it is just as important to assess the development of their neck and back.

During a child’s development, they will undoubtedly take a lot of tumbles and falls while learning to walk, rough-housing with friends, and being involved in sports and recreational activities. The stress of carrying a backpack every day and sitting at a desk for hours can also have effects on a child’s posture. All of these little traumas have the tendency to jar the spine and joints of the body, thus causing misalignments in the spine. Spinal misalignments, or subluxations, can be painful or uncomfortable and will not go away on their own.

How might a subluxation present and how would a parent know their child might have subluxations?

As stated earlier, subluxations can cause discomfort or pain which your child may tell you about. Oftentimes pain will present itself during specific activities- swinging a baseball bat, climbing up the stairs of the slide, or when they wake up in the morning after sleeping on their stomach. If your child does not come right out and tell you they are in pain, there are other things to look for. You may notice they have one shoulder higher than the other or their neck doesn’t seem to turn as far one way compared to the other. Perhaps they have stiffness or an inability to bend forward and touch their toes, or maybe you notice when they walk that one foot flares outward. These are all possible signs of misalignment, and should be evaluated by a chiropractor to determine if an adjustment is needed to correct the problem.

What can you expect when bringing your child in to be examined?

A chiropractor will ask questions of both the child and parent to obtain as much information about the patient and their case as necessary. They will then perform a series of standard orthopedic tests to determine where the pain/discomfort/dysfunction is stemming from. The doctor will also evaluate the presence of any curvature to the spine which might indicate a scoliosis. When these tests are complete, they will then perform a chiropractic-specific exam to assess for subluxation. If it is determined that chiropractic is the best treatment option, a corrective adjustment will be delivered.

How do we adjust your child?

The child’s age and size are taken into account when decided how to adjust them. Babies and toddlers will often be adjusted manually with light fingertip pressure to the spine, or with the use of a mechanical instrument called an activator. An activator can deliver a very delicate and precise adjustment in a comfortable manner to correct misalignments. Older children and teens will often be adjusted very similarly to adults, but with less intensity. All adjustments are extremely specific and designed to decrease pressure on the nerves which will alleviate pain and straighten the spine. Chiropractic adjustments are both comfortable and safe.


If you have any further questions about whether your child needs to be adjusted, or would be interested in having his or her spine evaluated, please call our office to schedule an appointment. Mention this blog post for a FREE consult/exam ($70 value).

In Good Health,

Dr. Jillaine

How can chiropractic care help with over-use injuries? News from Fletcher Chiropractic in Boise, ID

March 2, 2016 | By | No Comments

The month of March is finally upon us, and the weather continues to get warmer. Most of us are itching to spend time outside, whether that be working in the backyard, playing catch with the kids, taking the pups for longer walks, or jumping into training for the first road race of the year. Whatever your spring-time activities may be, it’s important to ease into them gradually to prevent over-use injuries.

When we jump too quickly into new activities, or try to resume an activity that we haven’t done in some time, the usual consequence is muscular soreness and stiffness. This soreness may last from two to four days, and can be fairly uncomfortable or even painful with movement. Although bothersome, as long as the ache gradually decreases over time, it is usually nothing to be too concerned about. Some gentle massage, stretching, and a hot bath or two are usually the best treatment and should give relief in time. It is also very important to allow your body to recover by getting adequate sleep at night. However, if your discomfort becomes more intense, or does not go away with time, then there may be a more serious or underlying condition.

Some of the most common over-use conditions we see at our clinic as ambitious walkers and runners up their mileage are runner’s knee, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, hip pain, snapping hip, SI joint dysfunction, lower back pain, and ankle sprains. Although all of these conditions need to be treated individually and addressed in unique ways, ultimately poor structure and function along with asking our bodies to perform too much, too soon, are what lead to these disorders in the first place.

When we have been conditioned or trained to handle repetitive stress (walking, running, lifting, bending, etc.) our bodies are better able to manage that stress and recover. Maintaining cardiovascular health and muscular endurance is important, but equally as important is maintaining the health of your spine. As mentioned earlier, structural dysfunction is the reason for eventual injury due to faulty biomechanics. If we aren’t paying attention to how our spine and pelvis are aligned we can be unknowingly contributing to our low back, hip, knee, or ankle pain. Proper positioning of the spine is essential in not only the treatment of joint and mobility problems, but also the prevention of these issues in the first place.

If you’re thinking you have may pushed yourself too hard, you may be wondering
“What are some of the treatment options that a chiropractor may use to help?” The first thing we would need to do is evaluate the joints that may be affected, as well as the muscles surrounding the area. If it is determined that there are misalignments present, a gentle chiropractic adjustment will be performed to re-align the spine and any other joints that may be effected.  Trigger point therapy to taut or over-active muscles may be performed by itself or in conjunction with electrical muscle stimulation to decrease tightness. Rehabilitative exercises may also be prescribed to help re-train and strengthen muscles which are under-active or firing incorrectly. Usually a combination of these treatment options is used to get the patient out of pain, and allow them to function and recover correctly.

So, what are the take-aways from all of this?

a) Prevent over-use injuries in the first place by gradually increasing activity and giving your body time to recover between sessions

b) Listen to your body- Muscle soreness is sometimes unavoidable, but exercise and activity should NOT be painful. If aches and pains do not resolve in a few days (or get worse) seek further care.

c) Maintain the health of your spine on a regular basis to ensure proper alignment and function, thereby preventing the possibility of further back and joint pain in the future.

d) Enjoy the warm weather, and take care of yourselves!

If you think we may be able to help you or a loved one, call to schedule a FREE consult and exam (normally a $70 value). Mention the article when you call to schedule! 208-939-3000

In Good Health,

Dr. Jillaine

Chiropractic care for skiing and snowboarding injuries. News from Fletcher Chiropractic Center, Boise, ID.

February 18, 2016 | By | No Comments

There is still plenty of time left for skiing and snowboarding this season, and many of you have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and great snow conditions around the area for a while now. Whether snow sports are a vital part of your winter activities, or just a fun hobby to partake in once or twice a season, there’s no denying that the sport can take a toll on your muscles and joints. From beginners to advanced athletes, falls are sometimes unavoidable. We know that even the most minor tumble can cause muscle soreness and bruising, but how do those falls affect our joints and spine in particular?

When we have a major impact with the ground, whether falling backward (more common with snowboarding) or falling forward (more common with skiing), the spine is forcefully compressed and jolted. The discs in our spine act as a shock absorber, and to an extent are intended to withstand a certain amount of force. The bones in our spine (called vertebrae) will also react to a fall, and can actually shift out of place with sudden impact. When these vertebrae become misaligned (or subluxated) they may put pressure on the sensitive nerves of the neck, mid back, or low back causing pain or discomfort in these areas.


Fortunately, subluxation is 100% a chiropractic problem. Chiropractors are trained specifically to locate, diagnose, and treat spinal subluxations and are experts in returning proper alignment to the neck and back. A chiropractor uses techniques to gently move the spine off of the delicate nerve, helping to alleviate symptoms and increase joint function. A properly aligned spine not only feels better, but heals better as well, and can keep you on the slopes for years to come!

If you, or someone you care about, may be suffering from aches and pains associated with their love of snow sports, call our office to schedule a free consult and exam (normally a $70 value).

In Good Health,

The team at Fletcher Chiropractic

Chiropractic care during pregnancy… Is it safe? Is it effective? News about chiropractic care during pregnancy from Fletcher Chiropractic Center, Boise, ID

February 5, 2016 | By | No Comments

Low back pain, pelvic pain, and radiating leg pain are common complaints during pregnancy. As a baby develops and grows, much more stress is placed on the bones of the spine and pelvis, as well as the muscles which surround these areas. It is very often a “normal” part of pregnancy to feel tightness, achiness and pain in the low back, or even sciatic pain down one or both legs. Because it is generally recommended not to take any over the counter medications during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary, it is important to know that there is an option to dealing with pregnancy-induced low back pain which does not involve pills.

Chiropractic adjustments have been utilized for years as a primary source of relief for low back pain in pregnant women, and a high percentage of women undergoing chiropractic treatment report improvement after just one week of care. Our clinic has treated many women from the time they become pregnant all the way to their due date, helping them remain as pain-free as possible throughout their entire pregnancy. The adjusting techniques used are safe and effective at gently moving the spine into proper alignment and taking pressure off of the nerves and muscle tissues in the low back. Chiropractic care is one of the only natural and conservative means of treatment available to a woman during pregnancy, and should definitely be considered if and when low back discomfort arises.

If you or someone you care about may benefit from chiropractic treatment, please call our office to schedule an appointment.


How to avoid low back pain and injury. News about low back pain from Fletcher Chiropractic Center, Boise, ID

October 15, 2015 | By | No Comments

How to avoid low back pain and injury:

Low back pain will affect over 80% of the population at some point during their lives. It is actually one of the most common reasons for someone to seek chiropractic treatment. This common condition can be caused by a number of things including poor posture, muscle imbalance, improper lifting, and joint dysfunction or misalignment to name just a few. Because low back pain can be painful and even debilitating, it is important to do as much as possible to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

First, let’s discuss posture. Americans spend a lot of time sitting- eight or more hours is not unusual in our society. Being in this position can decrease the normal curvature of the spine and lead to rounding and slouching- both of which can trigger discomfort or pain. If sitting for long periods of time cannot be avoided, there are ways to encourage good posture and spinal health while doing it. Good support of the lumbar spine is crucial, whether this be a rolled up towel or a chair with built-in support to promote a healthy lower back arch. The shoulders should be pulled back in an upright position, and the knees kept at right angles (not crossed) with both feet flat on the floor. However, even though good posture is used, small breaks should be taken throughout the day every 30-60 minutes to stand up or walk around, if only for a minute or two.


Sitting posture

Next, the issue of muscle imbalance can lead to low back pain. When muscles in the front of the body are not as strong as those in the back (or vice versa) spinal instability will result. This instability can lead to back pain and joint dysfunction, and it is important to strengthen core muscles evenly. Recommended exercises to focus on would be planks, stability ball crunches, and floor back extensions.



Floor back extension

Floor back extension

Another problem that is far too familiar is improper lifting. When picking up heavy objects, it is essential that good form is always used. When you hear someone say that they “threw their back out” the story is almost always the same- they were trying to lift or pull an object and immediately felt a twinge of back pain and discomfort. Most of these cases can be avoided with proper lifting strategies. Firstly, if at all possible, ask for assistance when trying to move a heavy object. If assistance is unavailable, use the following checklist to ensure your safety:

  • Firmly plant your feet on a flat surface (preferably the ground)
  • Bend at the knees, not at the hips
  • Engage the core muscles while lifting with your LEGS
  • Keep the load close to your body
  • When setting the item down, once again engage the core and bend at the knees until object is to the floor


Lastly, treating spinal misalignments and preventing joint dysfunction is important to maintaining your spinal health and avoiding back pain. Your chiropractor is trained to find misalignments, or subluxations, and treat them before they become a larger problem. Although you may not currently be experiencing low back pain, it is a good idea to receive regular chiropractic adjustments to maintain the proper alignment of the joints in your spine. This regular care will allow your back to function properly and allow you to lead a healthy and pain-free lifestyle.

Can chiropractic care help with headaches? News about chiropractic care for headaches from Fletcher Chiropractic Center, Boise ID

October 7, 2015 | By | No Comments

Can chiropractic help with headaches?

Headaches are a common health concern and a complaint that many are familiar with.  Countless people wake up with headaches every morning, and others suffer with them as they develop throughout the day. Nine in ten Americans suffer from headaches at some point in their lives. These can be nagging and annoying at best, and unfortunately can effect ordinary activities throughout the day and even steal some of the enjoyment from our lives.


So, what exactly IS a headache? Technically, this is defined as any pain in the region of the head, face, or neck. Headaches can present themselves as dull and achy, or throbbing and intense. Head pain can last anywhere from just a few quick seconds to an entire day (or multiple days if left untreated). Headaches often are the result of irritation or inflammation of the tissues in and surrounding the neck and brain. When these tissues are aggravated, we sense pain and discomfort, and this is what we refer to as a headache.

Because the cause of a headache is often due to irritation of muscles and tissues, it makes sense that a spinal misalignment, or subluxation, can be responsible for this common problem. When we look at a diagram of the spine and surrounding anatomy, we see that spinal nerves actually travel in very close proximity to the bones of the spinal column. Those bones do not need to move very far (just a matter of millimeters) before they start to put pressure on the very sensitive tissues surrounding those nerves. Spinal nerves are very delicate and responsive to pain, and the slightest bit of pressure can cause some very serious discomfort.  When these nerves travel to the brain and face area, it makes sense that we would feel pain here when we are subluxated.

Normal vertebra

So how does chiropractic help to relieve your headache? Your chiropractor will use a hands-on approach to evaluate the bones and muscles of your neck to determine if you have any spinal subluxations. If a subluxation is found, they will use their hands or a mechanical instrument to deliver a very precise and corrective adjustment. This adjustment will move the segment back into alignment, taking pressure off of the corresponding nerve, and thus relieving pain and discomfort.

If you, or someone you know, has been suffering from headaches and is looking to get to the root of the problem, a chiropractic treatment may be just what they need to feel and heal better. Join the millions of Americans utilizing chiropractic care to find health and wellness in a natural and holistic manner.

Should your child receive chiropractic care? News about chiropractic care for children from Fletcher Chiropractic Center, Boise ID

September 21, 2015 | By | No Comments

Should my child be getting chiropractic care?

With your child recently back in school, you might be familiar with their complaints of “too much homework” or “not enough time for fun”. However, there is one complaint in particular that parents need to pay attention to, which is “my back hurts”. It is not uncommon for children as young as five or six to report upper and lower back stiffness or soreness. Back pain in children and young adults can be especially bothersome when school is in session, but why?

School-aged children can spend as many as six or seven hours in a desk or seated position. This puts stress on the spine and surrounding muscles, straightening the necessary curvature of our low back and neck. Students also carry heavy backpacks before, during, and after the school day. A recent scientific study showed that carrying a heavy backpack increases the risk of back pain in children, and possibly even the risk of back pathology. ¹ Knowing your child is in pain can be disheartening and somewhat scary. So, what are some things parents can do to help?


There are some tactics that you can do at home to help prevent back pain in your child. For instance, teaching your child good postural habits (sitting upright, focusing on keeping their shoulders back, and sitting with legs uncrossed) is a good start. It has also been recommended that a child’s backpack not weigh more than 10-15% of their body weight. Ensuring that your child’s backpack is not too heavy can help avoid unnecessary strain to their spine and surrounding muscles. However, sometimes even the best preventative strategies aren’t enough to avoid back pain. When this is the case, what is the best option?

Your best option for treating back and neck pain and discomfort is chiropractic care. Chiropractors are trained in the evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system, and have been doing so as a profession for over a century. A Doctor of Chiropractic is trained to find misalignments in the spine which have occurred due to repetitive stress or recent injury. When a misalignment is bad enough to put pressure on the nerves in the back, it is called a subluxation. These subluxations are uncomfortable and can cause feelings of tension, soreness, and pain. A chiropractor’s primary job is to gently and precisely move the bones of the spine back into alignment, thus removing the subluxation, and removing discomfort.



Children of all ages can benefit from chiropractic care. Whether it is a newborn child being checked for spinal misalignments which occurred during the birthing process or a thirteen year old athlete competing in challenging sports and activities, chiropractic can help. Keeping your spine free of subluxations at an early age can prevent degenerative changes and poor spinal health in later years. The benefits of regular chiropractic care are not only beneficial but necessary to the optimal wellness of your child. The gentle, safe, and effective techniques that a chiropractor uses can assure that your child stays healthy and pain-free.

  1. Rodriguez-Oviedo, P., Ruano-Ravina, A., & Perez-Rios, M. (2012). School children’s backpacks, back pain and back pathologies. Arch Dis Child, 97(8), 730-2. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2011-301253