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How can chiropractic care help with over-use injuries? News from Fletcher Chiropractic in Boise, ID

March 2, 2016 | By | No Comments

The month of March is finally upon us, and the weather continues to get warmer. Most of us are itching to spend time outside, whether that be working in the backyard, playing catch with the kids, taking the pups for longer walks, or jumping into training for the first road race of the year. Whatever your spring-time activities may be, it’s important to ease into them gradually to prevent over-use injuries.

When we jump too quickly into new activities, or try to resume an activity that we haven’t done in some time, the usual consequence is muscular soreness and stiffness. This soreness may last from two to four days, and can be fairly uncomfortable or even painful with movement. Although bothersome, as long as the ache gradually decreases over time, it is usually nothing to be too concerned about. Some gentle massage, stretching, and a hot bath or two are usually the best treatment and should give relief in time. It is also very important to allow your body to recover by getting adequate sleep at night. However, if your discomfort becomes more intense, or does not go away with time, then there may be a more serious or underlying condition.

Some of the most common over-use conditions we see at our clinic as ambitious walkers and runners up their mileage are runner’s knee, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, hip pain, snapping hip, SI joint dysfunction, lower back pain, and ankle sprains. Although all of these conditions need to be treated individually and addressed in unique ways, ultimately poor structure and function along with asking our bodies to perform too much, too soon, are what lead to these disorders in the first place.

When we have been conditioned or trained to handle repetitive stress (walking, running, lifting, bending, etc.) our bodies are better able to manage that stress and recover. Maintaining cardiovascular health and muscular endurance is important, but equally as important is maintaining the health of your spine. As mentioned earlier, structural dysfunction is the reason for eventual injury due to faulty biomechanics. If we aren’t paying attention to how our spine and pelvis are aligned we can be unknowingly contributing to our low back, hip, knee, or ankle pain. Proper positioning of the spine is essential in not only the treatment of joint and mobility problems, but also the prevention of these issues in the first place.

If you’re thinking you have may pushed yourself too hard, you may be wondering
“What are some of the treatment options that a chiropractor may use to help?” The first thing we would need to do is evaluate the joints that may be affected, as well as the muscles surrounding the area. If it is determined that there are misalignments present, a gentle chiropractic adjustment will be performed to re-align the spine and any other joints that may be effected.  Trigger point therapy to taut or over-active muscles may be performed by itself or in conjunction with electrical muscle stimulation to decrease tightness. Rehabilitative exercises may also be prescribed to help re-train and strengthen muscles which are under-active or firing incorrectly. Usually a combination of these treatment options is used to get the patient out of pain, and allow them to function and recover correctly.

So, what are the take-aways from all of this?

a) Prevent over-use injuries in the first place by gradually increasing activity and giving your body time to recover between sessions

b) Listen to your body- Muscle soreness is sometimes unavoidable, but exercise and activity should NOT be painful. If aches and pains do not resolve in a few days (or get worse) seek further care.

c) Maintain the health of your spine on a regular basis to ensure proper alignment and function, thereby preventing the possibility of further back and joint pain in the future.

d) Enjoy the warm weather, and take care of yourselves!

If you think we may be able to help you or a loved one, call to schedule a FREE consult and exam (normally a $70 value). Mention the article when you call to schedule! 208-939-3000

In Good Health,

Dr. Jillaine

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