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How to avoid low back pain and injury. News about low back pain from Fletcher Chiropractic Center, Boise, ID

October 15, 2015 | By | No Comments

How to avoid low back pain and injury:

Low back pain will affect over 80% of the population at some point during their lives. It is actually one of the most common reasons for someone to seek chiropractic treatment. This common condition can be caused by a number of things including poor posture, muscle imbalance, improper lifting, and joint dysfunction or misalignment to name just a few. Because low back pain can be painful and even debilitating, it is important to do as much as possible to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

First, let’s discuss posture. Americans spend a lot of time sitting- eight or more hours is not unusual in our society. Being in this position can decrease the normal curvature of the spine and lead to rounding and slouching- both of which can trigger discomfort or pain. If sitting for long periods of time cannot be avoided, there are ways to encourage good posture and spinal health while doing it. Good support of the lumbar spine is crucial, whether this be a rolled up towel or a chair with built-in support to promote a healthy lower back arch. The shoulders should be pulled back in an upright position, and the knees kept at right angles (not crossed) with both feet flat on the floor. However, even though good posture is used, small breaks should be taken throughout the day every 30-60 minutes to stand up or walk around, if only for a minute or two.


Sitting posture

Next, the issue of muscle imbalance can lead to low back pain. When muscles in the front of the body are not as strong as those in the back (or vice versa) spinal instability will result. This instability can lead to back pain and joint dysfunction, and it is important to strengthen core muscles evenly. Recommended exercises to focus on would be planks, stability ball crunches, and floor back extensions.



Floor back extension

Floor back extension

Another problem that is far too familiar is improper lifting. When picking up heavy objects, it is essential that good form is always used. When you hear someone say that they “threw their back out” the story is almost always the same- they were trying to lift or pull an object and immediately felt a twinge of back pain and discomfort. Most of these cases can be avoided with proper lifting strategies. Firstly, if at all possible, ask for assistance when trying to move a heavy object. If assistance is unavailable, use the following checklist to ensure your safety:

  • Firmly plant your feet on a flat surface (preferably the ground)
  • Bend at the knees, not at the hips
  • Engage the core muscles while lifting with your LEGS
  • Keep the load close to your body
  • When setting the item down, once again engage the core and bend at the knees until object is to the floor


Lastly, treating spinal misalignments and preventing joint dysfunction is important to maintaining your spinal health and avoiding back pain. Your chiropractor is trained to find misalignments, or subluxations, and treat them before they become a larger problem. Although you may not currently be experiencing low back pain, it is a good idea to receive regular chiropractic adjustments to maintain the proper alignment of the joints in your spine. This regular care will allow your back to function properly and allow you to lead a healthy and pain-free lifestyle.

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